Pole support. Three trucks vacuuming for poles. Safe excavation. Notice marks well off. The drill would have struck. #safedigging #hydrovacexcavation #hydroexcavation #vacuumexcavation #utilitywork #telephonepoles #alwaysgrateful
Pole support. Three trucks vacuuming for poles. Safe excavation. Notice marks well off. The drill would have struck. #safedigging #hydrovacexcavation #hydroexcavation #vacuumexcavation #utilitywork #telephonepoles #alwaysgrateful...
The airport crew !!! #hydrovacexcavation #thecrew##logan
Even though my siblings always thought they were the favorite, we all know the truth. Right, mom? Happy birthday. 83 years. #happy83rdbirthday #happymothersday
Even though my siblings always thought they were the favorite, we all know the truth. Right, mom? Happy birthday. 83 years. #happy83rdbirthday #happymothersday...
Hydrovac excavation services. Working at Logan Airport. Overnight action. Exposing utilities for repairs. Great teamwork. #hydroexcavation #hydrovacexcavation #vacuumexcavation #remoteexcavation #teamwork #airportrunwayview #blessings🙏
Emergency hydrovac services. Exposing utilities for a water leak municipal services. #safedigging #vacuumexcavation #hydrovac#hydroexcavation #utilitywork #municipalservices #waterleaks #behappy😊
Emergency hydrovac services. Exposing utilities for a water leak municipal services. #safedigging #vacuumexcavation #hydrovac#hydroexcavation #utilitywork #municipalservices #waterleaks #behappy😊...