Welcome to Safetydig's Instagram Gallery! We are the largest hydro excavation company in Wakefield, MA.
Check out some of our work below.
Hydrovac excavation services. Exposing underground utilities for repairs. Broken water service under slab #safedigging #safeexcavation #hydroexcavation #hydrovacexcavation #vacuumexcavation #utilitywork #waterleak
Hydrovac excavation services. Exposing underground utilities for repairs. Broken water service under slab #safedigging #safeexcavation #hydroexcavation #hydrovacexcavation #vacuumexcavation #utilitywork #waterleak...
Municipal pump station down. Both pumps failed. Bypass pumping all day throughout the night until back online. Couldn’t get media after dark got too busy. Pump station 60’ to bottom also 4 other stations pumping into this station. #tothereacue#bypasspumping#emergencyservices #liftstationcleaningservices #municipalwaste #municipalservices #teamwork💪
Municipal pump station down. Both pumps failed. Bypass pumping all day throughout the night until back online. Couldn’t get media after dark got too busy. Pump station 60’ to bottom also 4 other stations pumping into this station. #tothereacue#bypasspumping#emergencyservices #liftstationcleaningservices #municipalwaste #municipalservices #teamwork💪...
Hydrovac excavation services. Trenching for new conduits installation. #safedigging #safeexcavation #hydroexcavation #hydrovacexcavation #utiltywork#trenching
Hydrovac excavation services. Trenching for new conduits installation. #safedigging #safeexcavation #hydroexcavation #hydrovacexcavation #utiltywork#trenching...
Jet clearing perimeter drains and drainage structures at a home. Removing accumulated debris in pipelines. #jetter#jetnvac#drainage#teamwork #jettingpipes#perimeterdrain #vacuumstructures
Jet clearing perimeter drains and drainage structures at a home. Removing accumulated debris in pipelines. #jetter#jetnvac#drainage#teamwork #jettingpipes#perimeterdrain #vacuumstructures...